Even Bering Sea fishermen like Remo Lotscher and Andy Zuanich eat canned Alaska salmon
Even in a literal sea of the world's finest and freshest seafood, Alaska fishermen eat canned Alaska salmon. Remo Lotscher and Andy Zuanich of the M/V Primus take plenty of canned Alaska salmon on their longline trips in the Bering Sea. Canned Alaska salmon, both Thinkpink pink salmon and Redhead red salmon, are easy to eat and deliver the highest quality protein for optimal energy when working the long hours on a fishing boat. They eat canned Alaska straight out the can when there isn't time for food preparation. Those are black cod that they are processing fresh on the boat. (more…)
A smiling Jim Zuanich after eating canned wild Alaska salmon for 23 days in a row
Jim Zuanich ate at least 3.5 ounces of Redhead or Thinkpink a day for 23 days at which time he had his blood mercury levels tested. There was no detectable mercury in his bloodstream. Zuanich also said he loved canned salmon more after he was done with his experiment, reporting that salmon at lunch made for more energy and a happier outlook than with other foods. "Nothing compares for lunch," said Zuanich, skipper of the M/V Marshal Tito.
Jim Zuanich tells a good tale...
"Faced with the prospect of a poor salmon season in 1981, I crewed with some friends of mine for the Togiak (western Bristol Bay) herring fishery. The boat, the Ms B Haven and my friends were primarily Bristol Bay salmon fishermen. They told me that during the salmon season the numerous Italian and equally numerous Croatian fishermen were always disparaging each others ethnicity on the radio. Finally, an indignant Italian came back with 'Name me one famous Croatian, I can name famous Italians all day, there's Sinatra.' After a long silence someone returned 'Marshal Tito.' I had no choice but to name a boat after him. I'm glad I'm not Italian, I'd hate to have to fish a boat called the Sinatra." -Jim Zuanich (more…)